Career Progression for Women
How to get what you want

Identify the behaviors that are blocking your career advancement. With small tweaks you will increase power, influence, and impact.

Career Progression for Women is a 5 self-directed courses (~ 30 min/courses) for women who want to advance their career without losing the power of being female!


“The Career Progression for Women class has been both informative and inspirational, not to mention fun!  Sessions encourage deeper thinking that always leads to a truer understanding of the way I think and engage with my world.  Thank you for everything!”

Maybe you...


โ— Spend too much energy trying to be perfect or trying to please.

โ— Struggle with speaking too much or too nervously or letting details undermine your focus.

โ— Find yourself hoping to be spontaneously noticed and rewarded for your hard work instead of advocating for yourself.

โ— Put your job before your career in an effort to demonstrate loyalty.

โ— Failed to enlist allies who can spread the word about your achievements.


If any of these apply to you, this course is for you!

“We spend a lot of time teaching leaders what to do.
We don’t spend nearly enough time teaching them what to stop.”

Peter Drucker

This course examines the habits and behaviors

that might have been helpful in the past,

but are undermining your career aspirations.

You will rewire your brain to support new habits and thought patterns.

You will explore various behaviors that are most often observed to keep women stuck.

You will learn about the reluctance of systems to change and how you can nudge. 

If you are passionate about women
having a seat and voice at the table,
this course will turn that passion into action.

It will help you figure out what it is going to take for you to advance.



“Empowered women empower women and this course delivers. Becky brings expertise and real world examples that are applicable to situations I am facing. The learning content was eye opening and will help me personally and professionally.”

Career Progression for Women
(Self-paced course)

Total value: $2,125
Regular price: $500

Today’s price: $275


Career Progression for Women

Coaching option includes five, 1-hour coaching sessions to help client explore specific barriers and to create an action plan for sustainable change and results.

Total value: $2,500
Regular price: $2,000

Today’s price: $1,475


This course is perfect for you if…


โ— You’re tired of being overlooked for promotions

โ— You’re worried if you are competent enough to be considered

โ— You’ve been told you are very talented and just need to be patient


“What I liked most is the course has me thinking about what I am doing right now and what I can do to improve. This has me thinking about my relationships in new ways and how I can leverage to be useful to myself and to others.”

Meet your instructor:
Becky Andre

I spent over 25 years in corporate america being told time that I wasn’t qualified, to be patient, and then to watch someone junior to me be brought in from the outside. 

While working for this junior manager, I watched them make many mistakes. They were still new to their career and being a leader. I can also recognize that I had several habits that didn’t help position myself as capable and motivated for a promotion. I ended up leaving the company and then decided to start my own company. I still had to navigate and fight those inner battles that I was not good enough. I had been told that for years and I let someone else’s narrative define me. 

Since starting my business I recognized the habits that were holding me back and I have confidently stepped into being a CEO of a successful company.  I want to help other women realize the ‘game’ that is going on and how to play it while still maintaining all the wonderful qualities of female leadership.  


Frequently Asked Questions 

Are you tired of being overlooked and want
others to recognize your brilliance?

I promise you after this course you will have the skills to articulate your value and others will start noticing your brilliance.