$1,500.00 USD

Transformative Leadership

For Directors

Change is the way of the world and successfully navigating is key to your company’s survival. The reality is that transformation means you need leaders who have very different skill sets than you have now. Driving change is easier for some leaders than others. The challenge is developing your leaders to be champions of change, engage others in solving complex problems, and influence others to get on board. Transformation requires your leaders at every level to start thinking differently. Your leaders not only need to create a strong vision, but be able to influence others to buy into it. These courses will build leader’s capacity in critical reflection on organization and management

Time: 7:00 am - 9:00 am EST

  • Section 1: Lenses for Leadership Insights
    Jun 2
  • Section 2: Strategic Thinking as Seeing
    Jul 14
  • Section 3: Silos and Slabs in Organizations 
    Aug 4
  • Section 4: Managing Culture Change: Beyond the Status Quo
    Sep 8
  • Section 5: Awareness Based Systems Change
    Oct 6
  • Section 6: Knowledge Sharing for Innovation
    Nov 3